Every two years, the JEMP, which were initiated in 1993 at Toulouse, France (see their history here) are the ideal meeting place for scientific and industrial communities whose common purpose is the understanding of the complex behavior of porous media. The fifteenth edition of JEMP will be held at Le Palais Universitaire at Strasbourg (France) form 26th to 27th October 2021.
The exchanges, mostly interdisciplinary, involve fundamental topics such as applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and process engineering. The work carried out has a strong resonance with fields of application whose societal impact is marked: energy storage, pollution, new energies, environment, food, and health.
For this edition, an scientific opening is proposed towards multiscale fibrous media, lamellar compounds and materials with controlled porosity. The communication materials (abstract, slides and/or poster) will be written in English. French or english will be accepted for oral communications. Great importace will be given to the 2 poster sessions for which two prizes for the best posters will be awarded jointly by the organizing committee and by the French Interpore Chapter (FIC) which is the French section of the International Society for Porous Media (INTERPORE).
The communications (talks, posters) will be focused on :
- Numerical modeling of flows in porous media
- Parameters identification in porous media
- Coupled processes in porous media
- Multiphase - multi-components systems
- Material and energy flow in porous media
- Mechanics of porous media: deformation, failure, damage
- Behavior of complex fluids in porous media
- Fractured porous media (prospecting, production, storage)
- Imaging, digital porous generation
- Organic porous media
- Multiscale fibrous media, nano and micro porous media
- Synthesis and characterization of lamellar compounds or materials with controlled porosity
- Storage and absorption of mechanical energy in nanoporous materials
- Adsorption and separation by porous materials
- Mechanical, chemical and thermal coupling between fluids and matrix in porous media